Children's Books
In Minutes!

Create children's books with great stories, amazing illustrations, cover & layout design INSTANTLY! Downlaod and publish them on Amazon.

Create Custom Books

see how it works...

Scroll to see how to create an entire children's book in minutes!

Create stunnig picture books in 3 steps

With Bookimagic, you're the author, illustrator, designer, and publisher of your own children's book, crafted in just minutes.

wanna try?

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Create Your Character

Create Characters In 2 Steps

Create book characters that bring your story to life! Bookimagic simplifies this process into 2 easy steps. Design anyone from heroes to friends & mentors effortlessly.

Create Characters

Create characters picking their name, role, age, gender, and race, crafting their identity.

Edit Characters

Pick your character's hairstyle, hair color, and eye color, personalizing their look to match your vision.

start your 1st book now

No Subscription, No Credit Card Needed.

... 3 steps and your book is ready!
now, it's time to fine-tune your masterpiece

Preview & Edit Your Book

After creating characters, Bookimagic will automatically craft a full book with a unique story and illustrations, ready for your personalized touch.

Let's create this book!

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No writing skills
AI writes - you edit.
It's that simple!

Embrace the ease of storytelling with Bookimagic. Our AI takes the lead, crafting a narrative for you. From there, the power of editing is in your hands, allowing you to refine and reshape the story to align with your vision. Start with a story and make it uniquely yours.

try the magic for free

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Write a story for your custom book
Star finished your edits.
now, let's download your
print-ready book

Purchase your book

Download your print-ready book and become a self-published author.

Here's what you get with your purchase:

Full CopyrightGet full rights to your book's text, illustrations, layout, and covern design. Sell, share, and earn from your creation without any limits.

Print-Ready PDFReceive a high-quality PDF of your book, ready to be printed anywhere including Amazon.

eBook FormatGet a digital version of your book, compatible with all electronic devices for easy reading and sharing.

Book's WebpageGet your book's webpage with its own unique lifetime URL offering readers an immersive experience with animated page-turning.

Social Media KitAfter purchasing your book, you'll receive a social media kit for promoting it online, complete with eye-catching visuals of your story.

Sell on AmazonBecome a published author by uploading your book's PDF file to Amazon. Publish and sell your book at no upfront cost.

try the magic for free

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Bookimagic emblem

Become a published author in minutes!

With Bookimagic, you're the author, illustrator, designer, and publisher of your own children's book, crafted in just minutes.

Create a custom book in minutes!

Revolutionizing Book Publishing

First-Ever Instant Book Creation!

Empowering everyone - kids, parents, grandparents to become published authors in a few clicks. No skills needed, just pure imagination.

Fast & Easy

Create your book in moments without stretching your budget. What traditionally took months now takes only 10-15 minutes.

Create & Earn

Design an entire book - from text, to illustrations, layout and cover design, all in just minutes. Publish and sell them on platforms like Amazon.

No Subscription

No hidden fees or monthly charges. You only pay for what you create. Wanna try? It's totally FREE - no subscription, no credit card!

Consistent Characters

At Bookimagic, your characters remain true throughout your story. We're the only platform offering this. Your book will be both visually appealing and consistently accurate.

create! it's like free-free!

No Subscription, No Credit Card Needed.


Choose Your Path to Publishing

Starter - StarUp X Webflow Template

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Begin your Author's Path for FREE

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No Credit Card
No Registration
Business - StarUp X Webflow Template

Publish online

$49 USD| per book

Publish your book online

Check sign green
Online publishing
Your story gets a unique Lifetime URL on our book-reader web application. 
Share your book instantly with anyone.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Bookimagic?

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Bookimagic is the first-of-its-kind platform that empowers anyone, from kids and parents to grandparents and passive income seekers, to become a published children’s book author within minutes.
The Bookimagic platform streamlines the full-cycle book creation process, from crafting the story, generating illustrations for each page, designing the book layout & cover, and producing print-ready PDF files.
Once your book is created, you can effortlessly upload your files to Amazon, print it, and start selling your book.

What is special about Bookimagic?

plus sign

Bookimagic is in a league of its own regarding book creation. We're the only online platform offering an automatic full-cycle book creation service.
The traditional way of crafting a book can take weeks and usually costs a small fortune, often running into thousands of dollars.
In stark contrast, Bookimagic delivers the same professional quality but within a matter of minutes and without the hefty price tag.
The real revolution, however, is this: With Bookimagic, anyone can go from having an idea to being a published author almost instantly, and all it takes is $99. It's a game-changer in book publishing.

How Bookimagic Works?

plus sign

Bookimagic operates in a few simple steps:
Users choose their story’s theme and create characters.
Then, the platform instantaneously generates an illustrated story book.
Once the book is generated, users have the freedom to:

   o  Edit the text content to match their vision.
   o  Modify characters' actions, emotions, and even clothing.
   o  Select backgrounds to change the generated illustration settings.
   o  Incorporate a range of animals, each with varied actions.
   o  Enrich illustrations for each page by adding item elements.

This process empowers users with comprehensive creative control, making each book unique and tailored to individual preferences.

Do you use AI for images?

Plus sign

No, we don't rely on AI for image generation. Instead, we have developed our own image-generation technology. AI struggles to create consistent characters across pages, mainly depicting various actions and emotions.
Our technology excels at this. We've crafted tens of thousands of image elements to construct illustrations based on user-generated text, offering a more personalized and cohesive visual experience.

How do I purchase my book?

Plus sign 2

Once you've finalized your book's interior pages and cover and you hit "Publish My Book", you will be directed to the purchasing stage. At the purchasing stage, you have 2 main plans to choose from:

The Basic Plan at $49 includes online publishing,where your story gets a unique lifetime URL. Additionally, you receive a social media sharing kit to showcase your creation across various platforms.

Premium Plan at $99: You get everything included in the Basic Plan. Plus, you'll have intellectual property rights over your book. We provide high-res print-ready files suitable for physical printing platforms like Amazon. An EPUB format for eBooks is also available, ensuring compatibility across various e-readers.

Remember, there are no monthly subscriptions; you only pay per use.

Tell me more about the Basic Plan at $49


With the Basic Plan, you're not just getting a simple digital version of your book; you're getting an enhanced online reading experience:

Unique Lifetime URL: Once your book is published, it will have its own distinctive URL that lasts a lifetime. This isn't just a link; it's a gateway to your animated book that presents a full-screen reading experience, complete with animated page flips.It feels just like reading a tangible book, making it a pleasure for readers of all ages.The URL is perfect for sharing; whether you want to spread your story on social media, email it to friends and family, or include it in your portfolio, the unique URL ensures your book is always just a click away.

Social Media Sharing Kit: Along with online publishing, you will get a comprehensive social media kit to help you maximize your book's visibility. This kit includes images of all your characters, illustrations, and the book cover design. Additionally, you'll receive your story as a text file, allowing you to share the narrative behind the visuals.

What is the "Published Author" plan?


The Premium Plan at $99 truly empowers you to be aself-sustaining author. While it includes all the features of the Basic Plan or "Publish Online" Plan, it goes several steps further:

Intellectual Property Rights: With the Premium Plan,the rights to your book's text, illustrations, layout, and cover design aretransferred to you. You gain the right to sell, distribute, and earn from yourbook without any restrictions - whether it's a printed version in localbookstores or a digital download on your website, the choice is yours.
To make this official, we send you a signed PDF contractthat states the transfer of property rights. This ensures you have full controland can decide how and where your book is used or distributed.By securing these rights, you're an author and an empoweredpublisher of your own creation. 

High-Res Print-Ready Files: The dream of holding your book in your hands becomes a reality with our print-ready files. These files are not just high resolution; they meet all technical requirements for professional printing. This includes elements like the CMYK color model, bleed areas, and crop marks. Simply send the file to any publisher or printing service; they can turn it into a physical book without a hitch. 

EPUB Format for E-books: We provide the most widely recognized and compatible e-book format. It's supported by many devices, including Amazon Kindle, Apple's iBooks, Barnes & Noble Nook, Kobo, etc. This allows you to publish the e-book version on platforms like Amazon, share the file with others, or sell it on your own site. In summary, the Premium Plan doesn't just allow you to share your story; it provides everything you need to publish it, whether digitally or in print . It's your one-stop solution to becoming a published author in the most seamless way possible.

Are there any hidden fees?

No. At Bookimagic, what you see is what you get. We believe in transparent pricing, so you only pay for created books without any hidden fees or monthly subscriptions.

I've created my book. What's next?


We will have a suggested cover background based on your story by default. If you wish to explore more options, you can check out the available cover backgrounds in our "Image Library" section on the left sidebar.

Title and Author: On the cover, you'll find placeholder text for the title ("Add Book Title") and the author ("Add Book Author"). Click on them to replace them with your chosen book title and author's name.

Final Step: With your book cover set, title, and author details in place, just hit "Publish My Book. You'll be directed to the purchasing section to complete your book's publication.

How to become a published author with Bookimagic?

Becoming a published author in the USA through Bookimagic is a streamlined process.
After creating your book at NO COST, you purchase the Premium Plan. With this plan, you receive high-res print-ready files that are prepared to professional printing standards.
Once your book is finalized, we'll email you the print-ready PDFs and other necessary files. Ensure you check your inbox and download the provided attachments.

Then, you can sign Up on Amazon KDP:
Head to Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) and create an account.
Before publishing, you'll need an ISBN (International Standard Book Number). This can be obtained for free through Amazon KDP or purchased from other providers.
On Amazon KDP, begin a new paperback project and upload your print-ready files.

Set Your Pricing and Distribution:
Decide on your book's price and choose the distribution channels. After a brief review process by Amazon, your book will be available for purchase.Voilà! You're now a published author.

We've made the journey from writer to published author seamless and effortless.

Can children use Bookimagic?

Bookimagic is meticulously crafted to be user-friendly for all age groups, especially children.
Kids can delve into the realm of creativity, crafting their own stories and making the experience fun and educational. Just imagine the unparalleled pride and excitement of your child becoming a published author at a young age.
This could unveil latent talents and instill an unmatched confidence in them.
It's not just about creating a book; it's about giving your child a unique pedestal of being a creative personality to shine and stand out from their peers.

Can I earn passive income with Bookimagic?

When you opt for our premium “Become a Published Author” Plan, you gain intellectual property rights to your book, allowing you to sell it commercially. This means you can become a self-published author on platforms like Amazon and generate passive income from your book. We provide you with high-res print-ready files and an EPUB format, ensuring you have everything you need to publish physical and e-books. Whether you're a seasoned author or a newbie looking to break into the publishing world, Bookimagic equips you with the tools to monetize your creativity and share your stories with a broader audience.

Start your book! You deserve to be a published author!